Medicine & USMLE


Viruses - RNA Viruses
  1. HIV: Microbiology and Characteristics
  2. HIV: Clinical Course
  3. Reovirus
  4. Picornavirus Overview
  5. Poliovirus
  6. Echovirus
  7. Rhinovirus
  8. Coxsackievirus
  9. Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)
  10. Hepevirus (Hepatitis E Virus)
  11. Calicivirus
  12. Flavivirus
  13. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
  14. Yellow Fever Virus
  15. Dengue Virus
  16. St. Louis Encephalitis and West Nile Virus
  17. Zika Virus
  18. Togavirus
  19. Rubella
  20. Retrovirus
  21. Coronavirus
  22. Orthomyxovirus
  23. Paramyxovirus
  24. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
  25. Parainfluenza Virus (Croup)
  26. Measles
  27. Mumps
  28. Rhabdovirus
  29. Filovirus
  30. Arenavirus
  31. Bunyavirus
  32. Deltavirus


Togaviruses are a family of RNA viruses that carry positive-sense, linear RNA genomes. They are enveloped viruses.  There are two main togaviruses important for clinical practice: Chikungunya and Rubella.

Chikungunya virus is a togavirus that is transmitted by the aedes mosquito. It presents with non-specific flu-like symptoms and fever, but may also include severe joint pains and a diffuse, macular rash.

Rubella is another togavirus that is responsible for causing a rash.

Key Points

  • Togaviruses
    • Characteristics
      • RNA viruses
        • Replicate in the cytoplasm of cells
        • Single-stranded
        • + sense
        • Linear chromosome
      • Enveloped
      • Icosahedral capsid
    • Viruses of Medical Importance
      • Chikungunya virus
        • Transmission
          • Arthropod-borne: Aedes mosquito
            • Co-infection with Dengue virus can occur
        • Presentation: Chikungunya fever
          • Flu-like illness (fever, nausea/vomiting, myalgias, malaise)
          • Polyarthralgias
          • Diffuse macular rash
      • Rubella virus
      • Eastern and Western Encephalitis