Medicine & USMLE

Veins and Venules

  1. Cardiovascular Overview
  2. CO2 Transport
  3. Heart
  4. Cardiac Impulse
  5. Blood Pressure
  6. Arteries and Arterioles
  7. Veins and Venules
  8. Capillaries
  9. Circulation
  10. Blood
  11. Hemoglobin
  12. Blood Clotting
  • Topic Anchor: Veins & Venules
    • Blood vessels taking blood towards the heart
    • Structure: 
      • Less smooth muscle around veins
        • Large lumen, thinner walls
      • Inside lined with endothelial cells
      • Venules are small branches of veins leading from capillaries
    • Low pressure
      • Contain one-way valves to prevent backflow of blood
    • High volume 
      • Can stretch to hold far greater volume of blood