- icepix
- Bacillus Anthracis
- heist plan
- really old vm
- plataforma
- Gast Image
- Gast
- Test Test Test
- Stomach
- casino-cards
- Klinefelter edits
- Waste Elimination
- Scopolamine
- Promethazine
- Staph epidermidis
- Alirocumab & Evolocumab
- Hydroxyzine
- Dumbbells
- Renin-old
- SGLT-2 Inhibitors
- Albuterol
- Narwhal
- Ice Pops
- Functions of Bone
- Nursing Test
- Calcium Regulation
- Pile of Carp
- Club entrance
- Bird house
- Metal Claw
- Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors
- Notecards
- Class IA BAD
- Varnish
- Security camera
- King Arthur
- Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) BAD
- 1st Generation Antihistamines LOREM
- Epinephrine BAD
- Superhero Serum
- Bathtub
- Shopping list
- Smelly cereal
- Car buckle
- Metal Cola
- Trastuzumab DONT
- Metal Cola Cans
- Fortune teller
- gluconeogenesis-sketch
- Tech sale
- Ondansetron 2
- Glass Plate
- Atropicana
- Class IV Antiarrythmics - Verapamil & Diltiazem
- M1 Receptors - DONT
- Velcro Shoes
- Physician
- Gq Sketch
- Dart Gun
- Tetris
- Waterpark
- Dress Shoe
- Pier
- Football Game
- Donkey
- Football Game
- sweaty basketball player
- Horseshoe Accident
- spikeball accident
- Vampire Hunter
- Boat Accident
- Iowa rally
- Billal Test Annotation 1
- Deer hunters
- oxygen-tank-explode
- Insulin BAD
- Leptin BAD
- broken-clock-tower
- Rakes
- office-fb
- allergic-reaction-fb
- Ghrelin BAD
- gamma-ray
- rooftop fast and furious
- fire-extinguish-forest
- sodaspill
- alien-net
- bow-arena-fb
- classic-computer-fb
- scope-fb
- gliflozins-sketch
- pramlintide-sketch
- carbon-monoxide-sketch
- sucker
- renovation-fb
- chiropractor-fb
- mushrooms-fb
- donkey-shoe-fb
- tamale-bond-fb
- docoffice-fb
- travelex-fb
- hammock-fb2
- edits_haydefic
- emperoredits
- rettfeedback
- cyborg-fb2
- pasture-fb3
- burkenstock
- testtesttest
- museumfb
- hog
- pure ring3
- jewelrystorefeedback
- waterpark
- henpicnic4
- B1 with cycles
- Vitamin B6
- religiousfreedom
- Ahhh
- Nixon and Ford
- Nixon and Ford
- sportsbaredits
- Trail of Tears
- Antebellum - Mexico
- HWBush
- Civil War - Confederacy
- Pierre-Robin syndrome
- Unions & Strikes
- yaya
- trail-of-tears
- industrial-jackson
- patau edits
- Greek_edits
- thumb
- dashboard
- greek influence
- edit
- edit som
- Enlightenment_edits2
- Tester Wester
- Lol
- hi There
- Tester
- Lorem
- Lorem
- Eh there
- eheh
- eh
- Large Cell - For Artists
- yah
- Title Screen Example
- ej
- Square mouse2
- Square mous
- Lorem
- coo
- del later
- CopySpanishAmericanWar
- CopySpanishAmericanWar
- johnson_concept_1
- Pixorize Teaser
- lorem
- loremd
- heya
- Test tet d
- great_depression_concept_1
- 4930
- aaaa
- plz work
- cataman
- NF-2
- hi
- lolwat
- Ryan
- hithere
- new
- Cavernous Sinus
- Cranial Nerve Columns
- Friedrich ataxia
- von Hippel-Lindau
- Sturge-Weber
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth
- Parsonage-Turner
- Fabry
- Krabbe disease
- metachromatic leukodystrophy
- hand dermatomes
- Brugada syndrome
- Riley-Day
- JVP waveform
- Cornell Voltage Criteria
- Stomach
- Structure/Anatomy
- Fundus collects excess gas produced by digestion and acts as extra food storage
- Body of stomach is main site of digestion
- Pylorus prevents passage of undigested food into small intestines
- Holds and churns food entering from esophagus
- Muscular contractions of stomach walls allow it to churn food and reduce it to a semi-fluid mass, called chyme
- Stores food until it is ready to be released into duodenum of the small intestine
- Produces acidic gastric juice (stomach acid) (pH = 2)
- A combination of acids/enzymes/hormones, but largely hydrochloric acid (HCl)
- Exocrine function produces enzymes and hormones:
- Structure/Anatomy