3 Years
Developmental Milestones
The 3 year developmental milestones refer to a set of abilities that most children can perform at 3 years of age. In terms of motor abilities, 3 year olds can pedal tricycles and draw circles. Socially, 3 years olds often communicate with 3-word sentences. This is also the period when potty training starts, as children begin to develop bowel and bladder control. Finally, 3 year olds begin to engage in associative play, and begin forming their gender identity.
Key Points
- 3 Years
- Gross motor
- Pedals tricycle
- Jumps forward
- Steps with alternating feet up and down stairs
- Fine motor
- Copies circle
- Feeds self
- Language
- Sentences combining 3 words
- Begins asking “Why?” questions
- 200+ word vocabulary
- Sentences combining 3 words
- Social/cognitive
- Toilet Trained
- Bowel control develops before bladder control
- Daytime control develops before nighttime control
- Gender identity
- Identifies themselves as a boy or a girl, uses correct pronouns
- Associative play
- Children start interacting while playing, but aren’t usually working together
- Example: kids riding tricycles together, paint on the same canvas but without a common goal
- States own age
- Toilet Trained
- Gross motor