Medicine & USMLE

Valproic Acid

Neuro Drugs
  1. Levodopa, Carbidopa
  2. Levetiracetam
  3. Valproic Acid
  4. Anticholinergic Syndrome
  5. Cholinergic Crisis
  6. Benztropine / Trihexyphenidyl
  7. Lidocaine
  8. Pyridostigmine, Neostigmine, Edrophonium
  9. Naltrexone
  10. Pregabalin
  11. Scopolamine
  12. Phenytoin
  13. Ethosuximide
  14. Succinylcholine
  15. Opioids
  16. Memantine
  17. Halothane / Flurane
  18. Donepezil
  19. Propofol
  20. Ergotamine
  21. Triptans
  22. Selegiline / Rasagiline
  23. Entacapone / Tolcapone
  24. Gabapentin
  25. Lamotrigine
  26. Carbamazepine
  27. Ramelteon


Valproic acid, also called valproate, is an antiepileptic used to treat both seizures and bipolar disease. Valproic acid can cause hepatotoxicity, so monitor the patient’s liver enzymes. It is also teratogenic and should not be given to pregnant women.

Key Points

  • Valproic Acid / Valproate (Depakote)
    • Mechanism
      • Anticonvulsant/antiseizure
    • Clinical Use
      • Seizures
        • Tonic-clonic, absence, and partial seizures
      • Bipolar Disorder
        • Mood stabilizing effect
    • Side Effects and Adverse Reactions
      • Teratogenic
        • Can cause fetal birth defects (cleft lip and palate, spina bifida, etc.)
      • Hepatotoxicity
        • Monitor liver enzymes
      • Pancreatitis
        • Notify provider with symptoms of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain