Medicine & USMLE


Neuro Drugs
  1. Anticholinergic Syndrome
  2. Cholinergic Crisis
  3. Benztropine / Trihexyphenidyl
  4. Pyridostigmine, Neostigmine, Edrophonium
  5. Donepezil
  6. Memantine
  7. Scopolamine
  8. Levodopa, Carbidopa
  9. Selegiline / Rasagiline
  10. Entacapone / Tolcapone
  11. Propofol
  12. Halothane / Flurane
  13. Opioids
  14. Succinylcholine
  15. Lidocaine
  16. Ergotamine
  17. Triptans
  18. Pregabalin
  19. Gabapentin
  20. Ramelteon


Lamotrigine is a medication used to treat seizures as well as bipolar disorder. An important adverse effect is a life-threatening drug rash called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, so any signs of a rash should be reported immediately. Another common side effect is drowsiness or sedation.

Key Points

  • Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
    • Mechanism
      • Drug class: Anticonvulsants/Anti Seizure
        • Blocks voltage-gated sodium channels
    • Clinical Use
      • Seizures
        • Can treat partial and generalized seizures
      • Bipolar disorder
        • First line treatment
    • Side Effects and Adverse Reactions
      • Rash / Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
        • Any signs of a rash should be immediately reported to the provider
      • Sedation, fatigue, dizziness
        • Acts to depress CNS activity at sodium channels
      • Gastrointestinal distress
        • May be taken with food to reduce GI distress