Medicine & USMLE

2 Years

Developmental Milestones
  1. 2 Months
  2. 4 Months
  3. 6 Months
  4. 9 Months
  5. 12 Months
  6. 18 Months
  7. 2 Years
  8. 3 Years
  9. 4 Years
  10. 5 Years


Coming soon...

Key Points

  • 2 Year Developmental Milestones
    • Gross Motor
      • Kicks ball
      • Steps with same foot up and down stairs
    • Fine Motor
      • Copies a line
      • Stacks 6-7 blocks
        • Mnemonic: Age x 3
      • Turns 1 page of a book at a time
    • Language
      • Sentences combining 2 words
        • Speech 50% intelligible (age x 25%)
      • States own name
    • Social/Cognitive
      • Engages in parallel play
      • Rapprochement
        • Moves away from and returns to mother
      • Follows 2-step command