Medicine & USMLE

Strep bovis

Bacteria - Gram Positive
  1. Staph aureus: Overview
  2. Staph aureus: Presentation
  3. Methicillin-Resistant Staph aureus (MRSA)
  4. Staph saprophyticus
  5. Strep pneumoniae: Overview
  6. Strep pneumoniae: Presentation
  7. Strep viridans
  8. Strep pyogenes: Overview
  9. Strep pyogenes: Presentation
  10. Strep agalactiae
  11. Strep bovis
  12. Enterococcus
  13. Bacillus anthracis
  14. Bacillus cereus
  15. Clostridium tetani
  16. Clostridium perfringens
  17. Clostridium botulinum
  18. Clostridium difficile
  19. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
  20. Listeria monocytogenes
  21. Nocardia
  22. Actinomyces

Streptococcus bovis 

  • Also known as Group D Strep
  • Gram + cocci in chains
    • Think: cocci come in a “strip”
  • Catalase negative
    • Determines staph (catalase positive) vs. strep
  • PYR negative
    • distinguishes it from enterococci
  • grows in presence of 40% bile
  • cannot grow in 6.5% NaCl broth
    • Distinguishes it from Enterococcus, which grows in both 40% bile and 6.5% NaCl
  • Part of normal colonic flora
  • Bacteremia is associated with colon cancer
    • patients with Strep. bovis infections should undergo colonoscopy to rule out colon cancer
  • Can present as endocarditis
  • Treatment
    • Ceftriaxone
      • Favored for bacteremia
    • Oral penicillins (e.g. amoxicillin) are used after clearance of bacteremia