Medicine & USMLE


  1. Gastrin
  2. Pepsin
  3. Amylase
  4. Lipase
  5. Trypsin
  6. CCK
  7. Secretin
  8. GI System
  9. Ingestion
  10. Liver
  11. Bile
  12. Exocrine Pancreas
  13. Endocrine Pancreas
  14. Small Intestine
  15. Large Intestine
  16. GI Nervous Control
  • Liver
    • First pass of blood from intestines
      • Hepatic portal system moves nutrient and oxygen-rich blood absorbed from capillaries surrounding the small intestine/stomach/spleen/pancreas to the liver
        • Each hepatocyte, or single liver cell, contains a central vein carrying blood back to the heart
    • Detoxification of blood
      • Deaminates and synthesizes amino acids, forms urea to eliminate ammonia
    • Maintains blood glucose levels through metabolic functions (homeostasis)
      • Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenesis/Glycogenolysis, and release of glucose stores
      • Mobilizes fat and cholesterol for energy 
      • Stores and manages minerals and vitamins
    • Produces bile 
      • Released into duodenum or stored in the gallbladder