Medicine & USMLE

Dual Alpha Beta Blockers

Alpha & Beta Blockers (New)
  1. Phentolamine
  2. Phenoxybenzamine
  3. -osin Drugs
  4. Beta-1 Selective Beta Blockers
  5. Non-Selective Beta Blockers
  6. Dual Alpha Beta Blockers
  7. Nebivolol
  8. Clinical Use of Beta Blockers
  9. Side Effects of Beta Blockers


The dual alpha-beta blockers are a subclass of beta blockers. They work as antagonists at alpha-1 receptors, beta-1 receptors, and beta-2 receptors. The two main drugs in this class are labetalol and carvedilol.

Key Points

  • Dual Alpha and Beta Blockers
    • Drug Names
      • Carvedilol
      • Labetalol
    • Mechanism
      • Blocks Alpha-1 Receptors
        • Alpha 1 Blockade → Decreased vasoconstriction → Decreased TPR → Decreased BP
      • Blocks Beta-1 Receptors
        • Decreased HR (Chronotropy and Dromotropy) and Stroke Volume (Inotropy) → Decreased Cardiac Output
      • Blocks Beta-2 Receptors
        • Bronchoconstriction, Vasoconstriction