Medicine & USMLE

Arteries and Arterioles

  1. Cardiovascular Overview
  2. CO2 Transport
  3. Heart
  4. Cardiac Impulse
  5. Blood Pressure
  6. Arteries and Arterioles
  7. Veins and Venules
  8. Capillaries
  9. Circulation
  10. Blood
  11. Hemoglobin
  12. Blood Clotting
  • Topic Anchor: Arteries & Arterioles
    • Blood vessels taking blood away from the heart
    • Structure:
      • Wrapped in thick layer of smooth muscle
        • Contract for vasoconstriction, relax for vasodilation
        • Innervated by nervous system
      • Inside lined with endothelial cells
      • Arterioles are small branches of arteries that lead to capillaries
    • High pressure
    • Low volume